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Plan your holiday and save some money!

I love to plan my trips just as much as I love to travel.  Last year, my boyfriend and I visited: Poland (where I wanted to show him how beautiful my country is), Paris, and Spain-twice (Madrid and Lanzarote). Today I want to show you how my “planning” process looks like. I don’t like to pay travel agencies for a holiday so I’m always planning everything myself. It always cost us less.
This year we want to travel more than last year. I’m in planning fever, which makes me feel soo good inside, you know.  I’m looking for cheap flights, accommodation and entertainment.
I think to prepare a few posts, with different destinations, where I’ll show you that you can travel around the world with less money in your pocket than you could ever think.
Let me know if, after this post, you will have any ideas which place should I check as a next one. Okay?
Winter is a good time to start think about summer holidays, somewhere nice. What about Philippines?  I like the sound of this one and I’ll stick with it, for now.

I’m living in England, the closest airport is in Exeter, Bristol is the next one, but I’m pretty sure that flights from any London’s airport will cost us way cheaper ( event if we will add transpotr’s cost). I always travel with my boyfriend, so I’ll look for return ticket for two.
First thing I want to check: when the weather on Philippines is the best?
I thought about the June, but that’s when the heavy rains start over there but May should be perfect! The flexibility is very important, if we want to save money, and I’m not talking only about the time but also about the airport which we want to fly from.

I think, two weeks should be perfect for a holiday so I picked 14.05-28.05. All prices you can see in this post are for two people, NOT per person.

The cheapest, return ticket fo two, from Exeter is: £887. The fly length is: 21 hours one way and 21,55 back.

That’s a lot of money, just for a fly! Don’t you think so?

Bristol is the next one, for us, to check. Again £887 but the travel time is a bit shorter (17 hours one way and 20,55 back).

Let check London’s airport.
Heathrow: £723 (over £150 cheaper) ! 

Okay, but what about the transport to and back from the airport, you asking? Coaches are a good option if you haven’t got a car or you just won’t to leave your car on the car park.
I founded return one, for two, with National Express for £101.80 or Megabus £27.68 to London Victoria Coach Station + £25 for transport to and back from airport. The toast cost for a flights is: £775.68. £111.32 cheaper then any other airport!! WOW!

As you can see, if you aren’t too scared to add a little bit of traveling before and after your actual holiday you can save some serious money, which you can use there to enjoy yourself. Doesn’t that sound great?
£111 is over 8036 peso, which we can use during our holiday, even if only fo a food.

Now, we need to think about the accommodation. I always prefer to stay close to the local people over hotels.
You can find a room in the hostel for as little as £7 per night (£98.78 for two weeks!), for £698,04 you can rent a WHOLE ISLAND! for yourself  or a house for £438.95 (two weeks).
Isn’t that crazy? The internet is full of surprises like that!
Let say, we decided to rent a room ( honestly, how much will you spend there if you have got the paradise with over 7000 islands to explore??).
Flights + accommodation would cost us a whole £874, for two weeks in Philippines for two people. 

Let me know what do you think? What kind of holiday do you prefer? And remember to not hesitate if you have any questions.

The pictures you can see with this post, aren’t mine. I found them in the internet. 



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