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Philippines- my subjective opinion

It’s time for the last post about Philippines (how upsetting is that?). In my previous post you could find a bunch of useful information about 4, different places we visited (HERE) as well as comparison Net vs Reality (HERE). Today, I’ll talk to you about things which I liked and those which I liked less (to not say disliked). 

1. Beaches- definitely my number 1! They are just perfect. Big, sandy and empty! Plus, water is just pleasantly warm and crystal clear. What else do you need?

2. Palm trees- They make the landscape look so dreamy. I could ride around forever and never be bored. 

3. Weather- we expected heavy rains but we had nothing other than beautiful sun (maybe a few, showers 😉)

4. No tourists- Philippines are like the best world’s kept secret. 

5. Activists- each place we visited had prepared plans of tours, so you can see best points around. Great option if you aren’t rich enough to rent your own boat and you haven’t got much time. 

6. Water in the sea-I’m scared of waves but I felt comfortable spending time in the water here because it wasn’t crazy ‘active’ especially that the colour is so inviting. 


1. ‘White man tax’- everything costs more for tourists than locals. 

2.No prices labels in the shops- you never know what is the real price.

3. Nick-nicks- little, black flies on the beach. They are biting, leaving itchy spots on your skin. 

4. Hygiene- or maybe lack of. You need to be very careful, I coughed salmonella from their eggs. 

There was one thing which shocked me a lot. People! I’ve heard that people in Philippines are extremely nice (and my friends from Philippines, who lives in England, are!) but we didn’t experience it. They were completely cold and not interested when I was ill and we thought to go to the hospital. They didn’t want to help us when we found out that our hotel  booking was cancelled and no one informed us. 
But they were more than happy to charge us 10 times more for a taxi. 

So be careful, maybe we were unlucky or others were very lucky 😉

However, I think Philippines is a beautiful place to visit and I would highly recommend it to everyone- if you are asking me. 


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