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Bali- waterfalls and temples.

Hello guys 馃榿 

Today I’m here to tell you a little bit about a big part of our time in Bali, which is visiting temples and chasing waterfalls. I’m pretty sure that  everyone knows that waterfalls are stunning but those in Bali are even better. Honestly, I can’t find a word to describe how beautiful they are. 
So today you can read about the waterfalls we found and temples we have visited, during our month on this beautiful island.
I think Bali wouldn’t be Bali if no waterfalls and temples so I hope you will enjoy this post. 

Let starts with temples.

1. Uluwatu Temple

That was such a great coincidence that we met this English family, during sunbathing on Padang Padang beach, which told us about a great sunset spot they are going to visit. It sounded that good that we decided to go there too. The story about our problems on that day could be an idea for a separate post, but we made it and that’s whats important.
The template is built on the end of a cliff and its surrounded with beautiful gardens. But that’s not what makes people visit this place but the view from the cliff. Incredible! Amazing! Breathtaking! Just imagine: you are standing high up, on the cliff and all what you can see below and in front of you is never ending sea and huge waves cracking on the rocks. I just loved this view! That’s also a reason to visit this place in the late afternoon so you could watch the sunset’s show there. I can guarantee, that’s the view you will never forget.
About the temple? We could only see it from a far so I can’t tell you too much, but don’t worry nobody will be able to do it because tourists aren’t allowed to the temples. 

Warning: there are monkeys everywhere there, be careful and leave any carry bags, hats and sunglasses in the car. Otherwise you may be sure monkey will try to steal it from you.

2. Tenah Lot.

Again, temple surrounded with a beautiful garden and a beach. Basically the main attraction, the temple is placed on a small island where you can only get by boat or during the low tide. Still, you as a visitor won’t be able to get closer to the building than the beach but it’s close enough to see the temple. Unfortunately you won’t see the interior. I’m not sure if it’s only me but I think it was way more touristic here than in Uluwatu. A lot of tours, groups of people in colourful t-shirts. It may be a good idea to go there early in the morning to avoid crowds. 

3.Pura Ulun Danu Bratan.

One of the best, in my opinion, temples in Bali. It’s situated on the little island, on the lake. The weather was awful when we went there but I can imagine how beautiful this place must to be on a sunny day. Good news for parents. If your child isnt too interested in the culture there is a playground which maybe more fun.

4.Lempuyang Temple.

Gate to heaven. You probably have seen a lot of pictures of people in the gate with a mountain as a background. This is exactly this place. The famous gate is a first stop on the way. The temple is built of 4 stops and the whole walk can take about 4 hours. It’s a awesome way to spend a day on the mountain. Just remember to bring trainers, I broke my flip flops and we could only walk to the second station as it wasn’t too pleasurable to walk barefoot. 

Important: each place has got different entrance fee (apart from number 4 where you can donate how much you want), usually not small. Ladies: remember to wear something what covers your knees and arms, other way you will have to borrow Sarong on the entrance. 

Second part of the post is about what girls like the most: waterfalls.

1. Tenganugan waterfall.

Probably the most commercial place in whole Bali. There is a little market on the way to the waterfall if you like to buy yourself an ice or any beverage. There are two waterfalls here. First you will see the small one, which is way cuter in my opinion and not that crowded as the big one. The main waterfall is great, impressive and you can swim in the pool just under it. How great is that? You can also walk up to the top of the waterfall (additional fee required). It’s really worth it. We walked along the river, admiring the nature around. And yes, it’s incredible to see the water falling down making rainbows above the ground. Pure love. 

2. GitGit waterfalls.

It’s basically 5 waterfalls on different levels and with separate entrance fees. First we have seen a singular waterfall, which was in a tour package with the sunrise in Lovina beach, which is quite small but the place looked like you would be in the rainforest and that’s great. 
The other 3 are called GitGit Twin waterfalls and here you can have some fun. You can jump from the rope just under the waterfall and you can also jump straight to the river from very high ramp, which is crazy as f**k. 
The funny think about the Twin GitGit that you almost have to have a guide to do it. No, no. You don’t have to do it but when you arrive to the place someone will approach you and make you feel like its necessity. He will tell you the story that the entrance fee is paying for an education of local kids,so they can go to the school and parents won’t have to pay for it (I hope it’s true) and he is working there a long time as a volunteer and he is only earning whatever tourist gave him. He will underline that you don’t have to give him any money but you will do it anyway because he has got a family and his little daughter is working on the track to the waterfall selling small souvenirs to the tourists. 

I know there are other, maybe better waterfalls in Bali, but we haven’t visited them because they are way too far from Ubud and we couldn’t make it on the bike. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe it can help some of you while planning your visit in Bali. Don’t be afraid, if you have any questions, and leave me the feedback. I would love to hear from you guys. Have you ever been in Bali or any other Indonesian island? Or maybe you are planning/dreaming to visit it? Tell me about it. 



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