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Bali-my subjective opinion


It’s upsetting to say but that is the last post about Bali. Just like in case of Philippines, today I’ll tell you what I think about Bali, if it’s worth all that fame and why everyone loves this island. 

Do we love Bali? Yes! Why? Because this place is so easy. I don’t know how to explain it but nothing in Bali seems like an effort. You can start your day by the pool, eat lunch in a restaurant by the beach and watch the sunset in the mountain. What could be better? 
There is something for everyone in Bali. 
But Bali is not only beauty but also crowds. Everywhere. In Ubud, on the beach, by the temple...Good there is so many coffee shops and restaurants in each area, other way you would have to wait hours for a table. If you are looking for intimacy you will struggle to find it in Bali. You can eat well, relax by the pool, have fun doing some activities, feel freedom riding around the island, connect with the nature and your body through meditation and joga but you won’t find a spot where you could be on your own, as long as it’s not 5 o’clock in the morning when everyone sleeps after last nights party.
My fav thing to do in Bali? Strolling around on the bike and just watching endless rice paddies. I could spend hours looking at those green fields, and believe me the famous Tegalalang rice paddies aren’t the prettiest. We have seen better on the way to Tenah Lot temple. They actually have been green different to the Tegalalang’s. 
What I didn’t like in Bali? People who tried to sell you everything and monkeys. They are everywhere. Both. You can’t just walk along the market without being nagged  by thousand of people trying to sell you something, often exactly the same thing as the person from the little store you’ve just passed which you just said NO to. It really put me off from shopping in Bali but Mat loved it. He knows how to haggle so he really enjoyed it but for me that was stressful. The same about monkeys. Some people can say they are cute but I think they are nasty. I never liked monkeys but after the month in Bali I finally know why. They are aggressive and they aren’t scared of people. They expect to be feed, if not they will steal whatever is edible around you or in your bag. Doesn’t matter if it is a coconut or a bottle of Fanta. Monkeys will open the bottle and drink your drink. I really didn’t enjoy that experience and that’s the main reason why we didn’t go to Monkey Forest in Ubud. Anyway, why would you pay for something you can see in the steeet? Yeah, I have seen a few people reversing from the street next to the forest because money totally took it over. 
Don’t take me wrong Bali is beautiful with all of those beaches and pubs just next to. You will never find so many cute cafes anywhere else than Bali. This place is so artistic and creative. I’m not surprised people go there to find themselves because you can be inspired everywhere. People really care for their places, restaurants aren’t just a place to eat but also to sit and relax in a nice environment where you can spend hours talking, working or just contemplating your life. 
I can tell you now, Bali is completely different to any other Asian country. It’s a mix of Asia’s, Europe’s, America’s best things on one small island. 
Are you asking if it’s worth to go there? Yes and no. Yes if you haven’t got children and you can really take everything what Bali can offer you. No, if you have got a kids because your child will die there from being bored. I have seen families in a few places in Bali and I really can’t understand what can be a good for a child there. Temples? Pubs? Maybe the beaches, but nothing much more, if you are asking me. 

I think that would be it. It wasn’t easy to write this post, because how to shortly describe the place you have spent a month? Exactly! But I hope you enjoyed text and remember that you can ask me any questions. Now is time to tell me what else you want to know about Bali and I’ll try to respond in the best of my knowledge. 


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