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Sunrise with dolphins in Bali.

Hello everyone.

I’m sorry I haven’t added a post,as usually, last Monday but we are currently in Malaysia (Johor Bahru-have you ever heard about this place?) and the internet in the hotel is horrible. Plus, we spend Monday in Singapore so I really couldn’t do it. I’m sorry for it and I hope you will like what I want to talk to you about today. 

So during our stay in Bali, we have visited a lot of places and took part in a few different activities available on the island and not only. Today I would like to describe 4 of them: GWK ( Garuda Winsu Kencana Cultural Park), white water rafting in Ubud, trip to Nusa Penida and sunrise with the dolphins in Lovina. I know how it is to go somewhere and have no idea what to do, what is really worth our time and money so I hope this post will help you prepare your trip to Bali. 

1.Let start with GWK and what it is. - I have to start with the information that visiting this place was relatively more expensive than anything we have done during the month on the island, especially thinking it wasn’t fully open and we couldn’t access to the main attraction. Why did we went there? We were very interested in the huge head we could see,wherever we have been in Kuta (part of Bali). I googled it and that’s how we found out about the Cultural Park. We hoped they will have a lot of big statues there,as there is big statues on each road crossing, and we will be able to get to know Bali’s culture more. Unfortunately there were only three statues there. Two, which we could come close by, and the main one, which was still under construction in July and we couldn’t see it from close-unfortunately.  The place , on it’s own, is quite interesting. The whole park is situated between huge rocks, which soon became insta famous 😉 They also have a theatre, where you can watch traditional dance shows-pretty amazing thing, but be careful-it’s very loud. I know the park is fully open now and tourists are available to see the big Geruda’s statue from close so YES you should go there, but don’t expect too much. 

2. White water rafting (check out my first post from Bali to check how much they want you to pay and how much you should pay-don’t let them take advantage of you! Link to the post below)- I was very sceptical about this activity. I was imagining a big, strong river and us being throwing from one side to the another with people being thrown away from the boat. Nothing like that! This is a family friendly activity! You are rowing in the middle of beautiful canyon, where you can spot a few small waterfalls (still amazing) and a lot of palm trees with other plants. We were never too fast (but one woman was thrown into the water-just after we started! because she wasn’t listening to the guide comments) or even fast. To be honest with you, I was pretty bored when we was slowly swimming with the river instead of rowing to make it more exciting. There is a lot of different companies offering this kind of activity. They are starting in different parts of the river so you will meet others during your time there, often very close because you might get stuck between the rocks together. That’s probably the best part! We had a lunch after the rafting in the price. White water rafting in Ubud is a great thing to do if you have kids and you want to do something more active than sunbathing or if you get a great price as we did and you haven’t got nothing more exciting to do.

Find out how much should cost white water rafting in Ubud.

3Trip to Nusa Penida- we have been in Bali during very weird times. It supposed to be the dry season but it was raining often. The weather supposed to be brilliant but the waves were so big that we had to re schedule our trip to Nusa Penida a few times before it finally happened. And again, there is a lot of different companies offering this tour, make sure you will check a few different to make sure you will get the best price. Even if the companies are different they will take you to the same places (sometimes you can find something different being added-like snorkelling with manta rays!-we couldn’t do it because the earthquake, a day before, scared them away).  I’m sure you know this beautiful spot where you can see ‘dinosaur’ shaped island in the background- that’s a beach called Kelingking Beach and every company should have it in their program, make sure you won’t miss out on this one. The price should also include return transfer from your hotel and return ticket for a fast boat. The best thing about tours in Bali? They are mainly private! Yes, you have English speaking driver for yourself and you don’t have to deal with other people, as long as they aren’t a part of your group 😉 In my opinion? This was one of the best things we have done during our visit in Bali! I love Nusa Penida’s vibe and how calm this place is. They aren’t very prepared for tourists and the roads are in awful state but the views you will see there are worth every sacrifice. My advice: if you have got more time, stay there at least one night. We have done one day tour and it wasn’t enough. We have spend half of the time in the car because points from tour’s plan are quite far away from each other, plus the roads make a driver moving very slow but believe me you won’t regret the decision to visit this hidden gem.

4.And last but not least, the most controversial- sunrise with dolphins in Lovina. Everyones got dreams which are with us ever since childhood. Seeing dolphins in their natural habitat was one of mine so when I found that it is possible to see them during a sunrise boat tour (I’m a sunrise girl!) I couldn’t stop thinking of it. How is it? Amazing! I cried seeing one family swimming together towards rising sun. But let start from the beginning. After half an hour on the boat when we haven’t seen any dolphins in the water, I thought it’s bullshit and locals just use it as something to make money.  There were other boats looking around for dolphins too and when one guy had spotted them from far everyone was directing there. I thought it will scare those beautiful creatures away but NO! they loved it. They really enjoy playing between the boats. We have seen them so close but they never get too close so nobody could never touch one. We have spend about 3 hours on the water following them and observing how they say HI to the new day.  I know people may think it’s wrong because that’s more like hunting for them but honestly I haven’t seen any animal being hurt or anyone feeding them to make sure they will come. They are living in this area and during this tour you can observe their morning routine. I won’t tell you that it’s wrong and you shouldn’t do it but I won’t recommend it either. We had an amazing time but you have to judge and make a decision yourself.

That’s it my dearest, I hope you enjoyed what I wrote and you can find it helpful. Don’t be afraid to ask me any questions, I’m always more than happy to talk to you and I’ll try to answer in best of my knowledge. 

What do you think about this post? Do you like it? 



White water rafting 

White water rafting 

White water rafting 

White water rafting 

Nusa Penida 

Nusa Penida 

Nusa Penida 


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